Care Co-operative Members
Why a Local Care Co-op?
Co-operatives function best when they work with their communities. Having a co-operative organization that interacts with community members allows the co-operative members to understand what their community needs and how to provide that service.
How to start a Care Co-op
CCA helps organizers and PSWs through the process of developing their own independent, local home care co-op.
We assist with developing business and marketing plans.
Our experts walk you through the incorporation process.
CCA can even get you started with development grants and other funding opportunities.
CCA works with new
co-operative entrepreneurs to define the mission of their co-operative and bring it to life.
CCA helps new co-operators through the process of
developing their very own local care co-op.
CCA has experts in finance, co-op management and governance that will be invaluable in starting your local care co-op.
CCA mentors help you answer your questions as the process of developing your own local care co-op unfolds.